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Dormitories, Higher Education, Libraries, Classrooms
Bishop Kearney Dormitory, Rochester, NY
Marvelous Minds Academy, Rochester, NY
Eastman Reserve Daycare, Rochester, NY
Smith-Steeb Student Housing, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH*
Lam Square at Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, NY*
Stonehill College Athletic & Fitness Center, Easton, MA*
Chapel-Hill Chauncey-Hall Pool House, Waltham, MA*
Fordham University Student Life & Recreation Complex, Bronx, NY*
Wilson High School, Wilson, NY*
Hobart and Williams Smith Colleges Merritt Hall, Geneva NY*
Hobart and Williams Smith Colleges 583 S Main Street House Renovation, Geneva, NY*
Hobart and Williams Smith Colleges Durfee House Renovation, Geneva, NY*
*experience from a previous firm
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